Co-Parenting & Divorce
Concierge Services with
Mia Johnson, Ph.D.
a High-Conflict
Divorce & Co-Parenting Strategic Coach

Why is my practice called
Out of the Tangled Web?

Life, ⁣
like a spider's intricate web, is a delicate tapestry of interconnected threads.
Each decision, interaction, and passing moment
weaves a new strand
into the ever-expanding tapestry of our existence.
Just as a spider meticulously crafts its web,
we, too, shape our lives thread by thread,
choice by choice.
But life's web is only sometimes symmetrical
or predictable.
Unexpected events,
like gusts of wind,
can shake the web,
causing it to
sway and distort.
Challenges and setbacks can leave us feeling trapped
and entangled in a messy tangle of threads.
even in the midst of chaos,
there is an inherent
beauty and strength
in the web's resilience.
Just as a spider repairs and rebuilds its web,
we, too, possess the ability to mend the broken threads of our lives.
Each challenge we face presents an opportunity
for growth and transformation.
We can learn
from our mistakes,
adapt to changing circumstances,
and ultimately emerge stronger and more resilient.
Life's tangled web may seem overwhelming at times,
but it is also a testament to our interconnectedness.
We are not
isolated beings;
our lives are woven together with the lives of others.
The choices we make not only impact our journey
but also ripple outward, affecting those around us.

Imagine a spider’s web,
intricate and delicate.
Each strand represents
a connection, a shared memory,
a combined asset,
or an emotional tie in a marriage.
When a couple decides
to separate or divorce,
it’s like trying
to untangle that web.

At first, the web seems
impossibly tangled.
Each tug on a strand
might tighten another
or cause a ripple that
disrupts a whole section.

It’s frustrating, painful,
and seems to take forever.
But with patience
and careful attention,
you can start to identify
the key strands.

Some strands are thicker,
representing major assets
or deep emotional bonds.
These take time and gentle negotiation to untangle,

like carefully separating
two sticky pieces of tape.
Other strands are thinner, representing
smaller shared possessions
or less intense emotions.
These may be easier to cut
or gently pull it apart.

As you work through the web,
strand by strand,
you begin to see progress.
Sections loosen,
the overall structure
becomes less dense,
and eventually, with perseverance, you can find your way out.

You’ll emerge with some scars, perhaps a few clinging threads,
but ultimately,
you’re free from the entanglement.

Divorce/separation is a process
of untangling the complex web
of a shared life.
It requires patience, understanding, and sometimes professional help
to navigate.
But with time and effort,
you can emerge from the process
as an individual,
ready to weave a new life
on your own terms.

Dr. Mia Johnson divorce strategist coach


Complimentary 30-minute
Consultation available 
upon request
***See Contact Page***

Integrating a Co-Parenting &
Divorce Strategic Coach
into an Attorney’s
Concierge services transforms
the legal experience
into a truly holistic offering.
While attorneys handle
the complexities of the law,
A Coach focuses on
emotional and practical challenges, equipping clients with effective
communication tools,
stress management, and
successful co-parenting.
This dynamic partnership
enhances the client’s journey,
allowing them to navigate divorce
with clarity and confidence.
By blending legal expertise
with tailored coaching,
the service empowers clients
to make informed decisions,
creating a smoother, more balanced transition into the next phase of life.