In high-conflict cases,
where emotions run high
and disputes
become overwhelming,
my role as a Parenting Facilitator becomes essential.

At Out of the Tangled Web,
I specialize in these
difficult environments,
bringing a structured, logical approach to situations
where communication
has broken down.

Starting August 2024,
my services are billed
at $150.00 per 60 minutes,
with additional services
based on this rate.
The division of costs is determined by the court,
ensuring fairness and transparency in every case.

As a Parenting Facilitator,
I take an active role
in ensuring that both parents comply with court orders.

I closely monitor the situation,
offering recommendations
to clarify or implement
these orders when necessary, and I maintain detailed records
of all meetings and communications,
whether through email, text,
Family apps, or phone.

My goal is not just to mediate
but to provide
the structure and guidance
that high-conflict situations desperately need.

In these complex cases,
my qualifications are key
to delivering the level 
of service required.
I hold advanced degrees in relevant fields,
In Psychology, Social Sciences,
Neurolinguistics,  Philosophy
which equip me
with a deep understanding
of family dynamics and
child development.
This, combined with
specialized training in
Mediation, Conflict Resolution,
Parenting, Anger Management
and Neurosciences such as
Hypnosis, EMDR,  EFT, & REIKI,
ensures that I can navigate
these challenging scenarios
with both empathy and authority.

While I am NOT an Attorney
And I refer significant
clarifications from the Attorney
and the Court,
A degree of  legal knowledge
is also essential,
as I often make
binding decisions on certain parenting issues
and report directly to the Court.

The standard in Texas is

In high-conflict cases,
I bring a logical, firm approach that imposes the necessary structure in chaotic,
emotionally charged environments.
When emotions
threaten to take over,
I cut through the noise,
establish boundaries,
and create a framework
for productive discussions.
My methodical approach
helps prevent further escalation, ensuring that the focus remains on resolving the issues at hand.

When emotions peak,
it’s easy for parents
to make reactive decisions
rather than rational ones.
This is where I step in
as a stabilizing force,
guiding parents to consider
the long-term consequences of their actions.
By encouraging fact-based, logical decision-making,
I help reduce the impact of emotions and ensure that decisions are made
in the best interest o
f the children involved.

Maintaining authority is crucial
in these volatile situations.
I ensure that all parties
respect the process
and adhere to the rules,
creating a level playing field
where one party
cannot dominate or
undermine the other.
This firmness is not about
being inflexible, but
about maintaining control
and ensuring fair outcomes f
or everyone involved.

Communication often breaks
down in high-conflict cases,
but I guide the conversation
back to a constructive path.
By enforcing clear communication protocols
and refusing to tolerate manipulative
or abusive behavior,
I create an environment where meaningful dialogue can occur. This allows parents to express their concerns without
resorting to hostility,
keeping the focus on resolving the issues at hand.

While firmness and logic
are critical, empathy
is equally important in my role.

High-conflict cases are often fueled by deep emotional pain, and I acknowledge these feelings while remaining objective
 This balance allows me
to ensure that
all parties feel
heard and understood,
while still guiding the process toward resolution.

Above all, my focus
is always on the
well-being of the children.
In any family dispute,
but especially
in high-conflict cases,
their best interests
must remain central.
I consistently redirect the conversation back to what matters most—
the health, safety,
and future of the children.

By doing so,
I help parents shift
from adversarial postures
to cooperative co-parenting, which is essential for the
long-term well-being
of their family.

My ultimate goal
as a Parenting Facilitator
is to guide all parties toward
a sustainable resolution.
With my logical and
firm approach,
I ensure that the resolution
is grounded in reality,
free from the influence
of emotional outbursts
or power struggles.

My steadfast presence
and clear guidance offer a path toward resolution
that may seem unreachable
in the midst of conflict.

In high-conflict cases,
my role is indispensable.
I provide the structure,
authority, and balanced
 Needed to transform
conflict into cooperation.
By maintaining control,
ensuring constructive communication,
and keeping the focus
on the best interests of the children,

I help families find their way through even the most difficult situations.