Dr Mia Johnson Divorce specialist coach headshot

Let’s talk “websites” for a minute

I’ve always literally cringed
at the idea of my website

some kind of formal, or
“commercialized” flavor. 
even worse. A sales pitch

so I decided to take
the road less marketed.
While everyone else was chasing
trends and hashtags,
I was busy mastering the fine art
of doing things my way—
Creatively and with just
the right amount of irony.
Sure, it may not be the most. “Mainstream” approach,
but who needs mass appeal
when you’ve got
a unique brand of quirkiness?

Besides, why blend in
when you can stand out
with a style that’s unmistakably me?

The sites I’ve looked at?
You’re supposed to start
with an “elevator” pitch.

Not familiar? 
It’s like speed dating for business.
Imagine you’re stuck in an elevator
with someone important,
and you’ve got just a few floors
to win them over.

Your mission?
To pitch yourself, impress them,

All in the time it takes
to reach their floor.
Used to be,  about 30 seconds,
so there is no time for
small talk or rambling.

It’s all about hitting
the high notes,

making it catchy,
and leaving them curious.
Short, sweet, and with
just enough sparkle
to make them want
to know more.

Boy, that’s SO not true
in the “Internet.” day and age!
The human attention span is measured these days at about 10 seconds.
Which is about the attention span of a goldfish

Ok, I understood the assignment.
So, here’s mine

it hardly EVER fails to work
it doesn’t automatically 
result in agreement
but understanding

Struggles with communication
  has different perspectives
that need clarity,
maybe some intervention
negotiating, mediating, 
helping people see the World
and the situation
NOT how the World  sees it
but rather how each person
sees the World. 
(That covers the basis
of everything I do professionally.

But here you want to know
a little bit about  “me.”-

The person, not the professional.


From an early age,
I’ve always been curious
I have it on excellent authority
(my mother, for one, ….lol)
My 1st word was, “Why?” 
and somehow,
it’s still pretty much,
my “go-to.”

And I have a fascination
with communication
basic, skilled & how it works

How two (or more) people
can look at the exact same thing
and the “story” about 
what they saw can be different.
It depends on what you ” notice”
Some may notice the size
another the color and in communication ?
The perception of what is heard
is colored by personal experience. 
As long as I can remember,
I hear not only what is said,
but as clearly, what was meant. 
It’s not always a comfortable gift
but it is what it is. 
It DOES make me good 
at what I do. 
I inherently can define motive
Motives are not necessarily
good or bad, right or wrong
it’s just someone’s current “why.” 
My brain is just “wired” that way…
I rarely (if ever)
take things at face value.

My mind looks for “patterns.”
Logic has a “flow.” to it

Both my innate personality,
education and training, 
I not only hear people talk,
I’m intently listening
and it’s kind of like
the same way other people
listen to music.

If there’s even the slightest
“note” or sequence
out of place,

that is like someone
hitting the wrong note.

I don’t shy away
from difficult conversations. 
 I was taught from an early age
Not to “raise” my voice
but to IMPROVE my argument. 
That is one of the reasons
why experienced and knowledgeable 
attorneys and Courts ask me to intervene
in high-conflict, difficult cases 
that suffer from an inability to 
communicate or compromise. 
 I can’t be manipulated and
no matter how good a “player,” someone can be
I recognize the “game.”
Nice to meet you, I’m the “Coach.”  

Do I EVER take sides?
Absolutely & Always.
 I’m on the child(ren)”s side

But my goal & purpose are also to aid people

in translating their perspective
The greatest mistake
that anyone ever makes
in communicating
assuming that others
see things as
 we do.